About us

Who we are

Dharmagiri Social Welfare and Development Trust (NGO)

NGO stands for Non-Governmental Organization. It is a term used to refer to nonprofit organizations that are independent of any government and operate at the local, national, or international level. NGOs are typically driven by a particular mission or cause and work to address various social, environmental, or humanitarian issues. They often operate in areas such as human rights, poverty alleviation, education, healthcare, environmental conservation, disaster relief, and advocacy. NGOs play a significant role in addressing societal needs, promoting social change, and filling gaps in areas where governments may be unable or unwilling to act. They rely on donations, grants, and volunteer support to fund their activities and programs. NGOs can vary in size, ranging from small grassroots organizations to large international entities with extensive resources and reach. Some examples of well-known NGOs include Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières), Oxfam, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), and the Red Cross. These organizations work towards specific goals and often collaborate with governments, other NGOs, and private sector entities to achieve their objectives.


Dharmagiri Social Welfare and Development Trust (NGO)

dedicated to various areas, including education, healthcare, housing, and social activities. Here are a few examples of NGOs working in each of these fields:

  1. Education:

    • Teach For All: A global network of organizations that recruit and train teachers to work in underserved communities.
    • Room to Read: Focuses on improving literacy and gender equality in education by establishing libraries and promoting girls’ education.
    • Pratham: Aims to provide quality education to underprivileged children in India through innovative learning programs.
  2. Healthcare:

    • Partners In Health: Works to provide quality healthcare to underserved communities around the world and focuses on disease prevention and treatment.
    • Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders): Provides medical assistance in crisis situations and delivers emergency healthcare services globally.
    • Direct Relief: Offers medical resources and support to areas affected by poverty, natural disasters, and emergencies.
  3. Housing:

    • Habitat for Humanity: Builds and improves housing for low-income families, focusing on sustainable and affordable solutions.
    • Homeless International: Works to provide safe and secure housing for homeless individuals and families worldwide.
    • Ashoka Housing for All: Addresses the issue of homelessness by implementing sustainable housing solutions and promoting community involvement.
  4. Social Activities:

    • Amnesty International: A global organization that advocates for human rights and fights against injustice and oppression.
    • Save the Children: Focuses on protecting the rights and well-being of children worldwide through various programs and advocacy initiatives.
    • Rotary International: Engages in community service projects, such as healthcare initiatives, educational programs, and disaster response.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more NGOs dedicated to these areas. Each organization has its own specific focus and approach, but they all aim to make a positive impact on society.

Our approach

Our Mission

The mission of an NGO varies depending on its specific focus and goals. However, the overarching mission of most NGOs is to address societal needs, promote social change, and work towards the betterment of individuals and communities. Here are some common missions of NGOs based on their areas of focus: Education: To provide access to quality education for all, especially marginalized and underprivileged communities. To promote literacy, skill development, and lifelong learning opportunities. To advocate for equitable and inclusive education policies and practices. Healthcare: To improve access to healthcare services, especially for vulnerable and underserved populations. To prevent and treat diseases, promote public health, and raise awareness about healthcare issues. To strengthen healthcare systems and advocate for healthcare rights. Housing: To provide safe and affordable housing solutions for individuals and families in need. To advocate for housing rights and policies that ensure adequate shelter for all. To promote sustainable housing practices and address homelessness. Social Activities: To promote human rights, equality, and social justice. To address issues such as poverty, discrimination, violence, and environmental degradation. To empower communities, promote civic engagement, and advocate for marginalized groups. It's important to note that the specific mission of an NGO can vary greatly depending on its focus, geographic scope, and the particular needs it aims to address. NGOs often work collaboratively with other stakeholders, including governments, communities, and other organizations, to achieve their mission and create a positive impact.

Our Vision

The vision of an NGO represents the desired future state or the long-term goal that it aims to achieve through its work. It reflects the organization’s aspirations and the broader impact it strives to make. Here are some examples of NGO visions based on different areas of focus:

  1. Education:

    • A world where every child has equal access to quality education, unlocking their full potential and contributing to a brighter future.
    • Empowered communities that prioritize and invest in education, creating a more equitable and prosperous society.
  2. Healthcare:

    • A world where everyone has access to comprehensive healthcare services, leading to improved health outcomes and well-being for all.
    • Healthy communities where healthcare is a fundamental right and no one is left behind due to lack of resources or access.
  3. Housing:

    • A society where everyone has a safe and secure place to call home, fostering dignity, stability, and the opportunity to thrive.
    • Sustainable communities that prioritize affordable housing, ensuring housing security and promoting social cohesion.
  4. Social Activities:

    • A just and inclusive world where human rights are respected, social inequalities are minimized, and everyone has equal opportunities.
    • Empowered communities that actively engage in social change, fostering a culture of compassion, acceptance, and collective well-being.

The vision of an NGO reflects its aspirations for a better future and serves as a guiding principle for its activities and initiatives. It helps to inspire and motivate stakeholders, attract support and resources, and guide strategic decision-making. Ultimately, the vision of an NGO is a reflection of its commitment to creating positive change in the world.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
0 K+
Members Worldwide
0 +
Children Helped
$ 0 M+
Funds Raised
0 T
Food Provided